5 Weight Loss Hacks | Reduce Body Fat
As a personal trainer of 17 years, I have worked with so many clients over the years. I can tell you from my knowledge and experience that weight loss is so much more than counting calories. I'm sure you've learned this as well- if you've ever been on a diet. 2018 is only weeks away.It's that time of year again, when we need to reflect on where we are and what we want to accomplish in the coming year. Today, I want to share with you five hacks that can help you achieve that goal in the new year.
A journal is a tool I use many time with my clients to get a better understanding of their habits. As you journal, you can see those little things you do on a weekly basis that can actually sabotage the hard work you put in those workouts. All you need to do is jot down the times you eat and the amount/ serving size that you consume during each meal. I like to also take note of the times you are eating so that you have a clear understanding of your daily routine. Oftentimes, it is the bad habits that get lost in the day- to- day grind.
Oftentimes we equate working out to some daunting task that everyone hates to do. Contrary to popular opinion, you can actually began to enjoy living an active lifestyle and NOT WORKOUT. For instance, if you like to walk- walk. Find a way to include more walking into you week. If you live in small town, walk to some of the stores to run errands. If you work at a desk take 5 minute breaks throughout your day to go for a brisk walk or do the stairs on the way to the restroom. Another option is to meet a friend and walk the mall or local track for 45 minutes 3 times a week. This way you have accountability and community- the perfect recipe for staying on track.
Eat Dirty
I know, I know this might sound crazy, but what I mean is eat food that are grown NOT MANUFACTURED. Trust me, I know we lead busy lives and it's not always easy to find healthier options that nourish your body. Eating more plant based foods can help you feel more energy and even eat less because it is loaded with minerals that your body needs to be healthy.
Stress Less
Chances are if you live a busy life, you may be a bit stressed. Although some stress is totally normal - other types of stress is destructive. If your body is chronically stressed, you may not only NOT LOSE WEIGHT, you may even gain weight...especially around the mid-section. Once your cortisol levels are out of control our body can get out of its natural rhythm - that when it can become a struggle. Jot down in your journal things that cause a lot of stress in your life. Figure out how to minimize the stress and check in with yourself often to see how you are progressing.
This will depend on how hectic you life currently is and how flexible your free time is. Find block of time that you can step away and unplug. Put our phone down ( after you finish reading this post of course) and just take a few moment to simply breathe. Things like meditation and breathing exercises can really help your body and mind recover from a hectic schedule.
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