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Get Fit Fast With These 3 Things

Eat to Feed the Muscle and Starve the Fat

Eat small meals 3-4 hours apart to keep your blood sugar stable and to maintain adequate energy levels. For example, if you are eating one meal in the morning and not hungry again till late afternoon - your metabolism may really be sluggish and reaching your weight loss/ fitness goals can become much harder to obtain. Not sure what to eat, no worries. My 10-Day ReSet Program can help Buy now to get started.

Lift Something, Then Put it Down

I am a huge believer of weight bearing exercises. However, you don't have to pick up a dumbbell when  you have a kettlebell or sandbag. Although I am in the gym several times a week, I also love to "play" at home with my toys ( kettle bells, sandbags, medicine ball...just to name a few). If you don't have weights at home, no worries- body weight exercises are a great place to start too. As a matter of fact, I don't give my clients any weight until they can show that they can move their body properly. Lifting weight can help to build QUALITY MUSCLE. The more muscle you have the better your metabolism is and that's the key to GETTING FIT FAST.

Learn How to Move- it, Move -it

Cardio is essential for burning calories, but you need more than just a machine to have a well- rounded fitness routine. For example, do the cardio three times a week, but why not do some activity with your family on the weekend, and maybe jump in a small group class at your local gym to keep you motivated and to keep your fitness routine interesting. Just working on the treadmill 5 days a week, it not very motivating - if you are doing the same thing for months. Find ways to stay active,  EVEN when you are not at the gym. Leading an active lifestyle, is a great way to stay healthy and  a great way to invite those you love into your world of fitness.

Need help getting started, try my 10 - Day ReSet Program to get your body moving in the right direction. My programs teaches you how to ReSet your body naturally, with food. No crazy teas, or starving yourself. In less than a week, you can feel more energy and lighter. Buy now to get started.


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