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Get Fit Fast | How to Stick to Your Fitness Goals

Yayyyyy!!!! It's the New Year and if you are like most of us- you are pondering your fitness goals right now???  Many of my clients are more motivated about getting fit and I, too am excited to see how can improve my fitness level this year.  When you are working on your fitness goal - you want to be clear about what you want  to achieve. So , I thought in this post, that I will give a few pointers for setting up those goals.As a fitness pro/ coach- I'm always helping my clients set realistic goals . Here are just a few tips to help make this year your best year yet !!!!

Be Available

Look at your current routine and carve out time 3-5 days a week, so that your goals don't die from lack of planning.Look at you current schedule and find 30- 45 minutes that you can participate in some form of activity.  Activities like walking 2 miles in the morning or joining a local gym close to work, or getting a quick sesh in in you living room before getting your day started. Don't overwhelm yourself by making too many big changes at one time. Your commitment to gt healthier, should be a lifestyle change NOT A FAD. Too much, too soon makes it more likely for you too fail.

Join a Tribe

Research has shown that we are more successful when we are held accountable. Becoming a part of a community, not only connects us - but also holds us accountable. This will help on those days when you feel frustrated, tired, etc. Becoming a part of a community  helps to change your perspective from " I have to", to  " I'm  going to".  Here's a  few great  ideas...jump in a few group fitness class, find a studio in your area or "buddy-up" with a friend to stay on track. Join my FREE  online coaching club for motivation .

Hire a Pro

There is nothing like joining a brand new gym in January and then never show up. Step two of getting started should include enlisting the help of a personal trainer to help get you started with a plan that works for you and NOT AGAINST you. For 17 years now as a Fitness Pro - I can tell you that professional assistance is how you get greater results in LESS time. You need to have someone there to watch your form and modify or progress your workouts- so you don't hit a plateau. There are so many great ideas for workouts online, but none of them can check your form or recommend  progressions for you.

The Have-Knots ( not a typo,, keep reading)

Diet, diet, diet. Unfortunately, this is also the time of the year when starting a diet is a big deal. This is where I need to remind you that starvation diets ARE NOT EFFECTIVE. I mean, of course, you will drop weight in the beginning. However, after you are done the weight will creep up again- leaving where you started OR with more to work with. You need a meal plan that can help you not hurt you. Having knots in your stomach from a low calorie, is not what you want to do to lose weight.Go for a more realistic approach with a sensible meal plan. Click here to download a FREE fat- burning meal plan. This sensible plan will help to provide energy and give you an idea of how to put your own plan together. No worries, if you need more help- I can create a customized meal plan/ fitness plan just for you :-). My services are online and email support is includes - so no more procrastinating ... let's make this year your best year yet.

Nourish your body by LaTonya Baruc Connect with me on IG  @barucwellness to share you workouts and foodie pics?


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